Millknock Collies

CH Millknock Montage ROM-P
(Ch Blu Ridge Lookout x Ch Millknock Mosaic ROM ROMP)


Annie is the dam of:
-CH Millknock Mastermind
-MBISS GCHB Millknock's Firework At Mello-D HT RN CA NAJ NF NFP VA owner Babbi Dilbeck DVM
Katy was RWB at CCA National
-Triple Champion Millknock's Tri the Next Chapter VCD1 BN RN CD TD HSAds HIAds
HXAd HSBd MXS T2B3 VX owner Noreen Bennett
Sequel earned Champion titles in Conformation, Herding and Agility
-MACH Millknock's Dancin' With Destiny MXB MJS owner Caryn Thacker
-Millknock's Believe In Magic RN BN SN-C HIC ptd. owner Meg Goldsmith
-Millknock's Most Valuable Player (Mvp) OA NAJ ORT NW1 RATN owner Barb Brown